Date: 30/01/2020
190 |
489/491 |
Total |
1,200 |
200 |
1,400 |
3,000 |
2,745 |
5,745 |
NT |
400 |
600 |
1,000 |
1,000 |
1,000 |
2,000 |
SA |
1,250 |
3,750 |
5,000 |
1,200 |
1,800 |
3,000 |
2,500 |
1,043 |
3,543 |
WA |
2,250 |
250 |
2,500 |
Total |
12,800 |
11,388 |
24,188 |
ACT: 原本的1400名額本來都是預留給190使用,不過因為是2019年11月16日之後才被歸類為偏遠地區,因此 ACT勉強提撥了200個名額給491使用。ACT目前有自己的Matrix評分系統,要拿到ACT的擔保,申請人必須滿足Matrix的評分條件並且要與其他申請人競爭,Matrix分數越高者,越有機會收到邀請。
NSW: 由於人口眾多,職業需求較多,一直以來NSW的州擔保名額都是全澳洲最多的,今年的財政年也不意外的拿到的名額也較多。要注意的是NSW的190一直以來都是被動申請,目前也是沿用該政策。NSW 489之前是由各區政府審核、由州政府發邀請,目前的491政策改由州政府統一審核並發放邀請。寫文章的同時NSW491尚未開放申請,由於NSW491職業類別廣、申請條件寬鬆。可以預料的是,開放申請應該不久之後名額就會馬上額滿,因此有機會申請的申請人請務必把握住機會,畢竟機會是不等人的。NSW190屬於被動申請,也就是說申請人必須將EOI掛出去,然後只能未知的等待NSW政府邀請。而NSW491將屬於主動申請。
NT: NT因為人口比較稀少,基礎設施比較有限,所以NT一直以來都不是很熱情的參與州擔保。NT政府要的人是非常明確的。基本上是已經在NT求學或是在NT工作過、未來也會繼續留在NT發展的申請人。NT政府很少擔保海外申請人,除非申請人明確有拿到NT的雇主的offer。NT無論是190或是491都是屬於”主動申請”。
QLD: 身為東部三大城的之一的QLD其實該州的重點是商業投資移民,對於QLD政府來說,有投資、有就業機會才有辦法留住移民。當然技術移民是不可或缺的一環,不過對於QLD的190政策來說,基本上目前只給職業在QLD清單上,目前已經在QLD工作滿12個月、未來也會有job offer的申請人。至於491則是希望將申請人留在QLD的偏遠地區發展經濟。要說明的一點是不論是491或是190,QLD目前都是採”被動申請”的政策。
SA: 南澳是所有偏遠地區最不偏遠的一州,之前文章也有說過,南澳州政府目前5年內的重要政策之一就是提升南澳的人口,因此南澳每年都非常積極的跟州政府爭取擔保名額,2019-2020的擔保名額眾多其實不意外。可以看到的是南澳基本上的重點仍是在489/491,未來的重點一樣會是75%的名額給491、25%的名額給190。南澳的最大好處是職業清單多元化、名額多。最重要的一點是不論491/190都是主動申請,也就是說只要申請人滿足條件,在有名額的狀況下,總分有65分(包含州擔保加分),都有機會可以拿到擔保
TAS: 塔斯雖然人口跟NT差不多,但是至少在發展該州的人口政策上是比較積極的。不過請注意,雖然TAS是採取主動申請的政策,但是並不代表滿足條件就有辦法成功拿到州擔保。目前有許多491申請人滿足條件之後申請州擔保,但是都被拒絕。這些人大部分是自己申請,沒有在自己的申請件做包裝(找我們做的申請件,我們基本上都會協助做好包裝) ,我們來看一下TAS政府的回覆
We are currently in a situation where the number of people we expect to seek nomination between now and the end of June 2020 will greatly exceed our remaining nomination quota. This is particularly the case in relation to the Tasmanian Graduate category, where enrolments in one year business and management courses have increased dramatically during the past 18 months and it is very likely that majority of these students will seek Tasmanian nomination upon their graduation. In response, we are carefully managing our quota for the remainder of the year to ensure that we are able to nominate candidates who are best able to contribute to Tasmania’s skills needs and economic growth.
This is not a different approach to that which we have employed in the past, the only variation recently being the increased pressure on our quota raising the baseline standard to be competitive and therefore nominated. The Migration Tasmania website has consistently stated that meeting our minimum nomination requirements does not guarantee nomination, and that all eligible applications are assessed according to a range of additional criteria to determine competitiveness for a limited number of places. These include:
• your demonstrated ability and commitment to establishing yourself, and any dependents, in Tasmania with a view to your prospects for long-term settlement in the state
• the demand for your particular skills and expertise, and your ability to _nd work in Tasmania
• the suitability and transferability of your quali_cations, skills and experience – including any specialist capabilities – to the needs of Tasmania’s labour market
• the skills and background of dependent family members
• your level of English language competency
• the likelihood of you obtaining a personal income that would meet the minimum taxable income
requirement for the subclass 191 Permanent Residence (Skilled Regional) visa (currently AU$53,900 per year for at least 3 years in the next 5 years)
Applicants who have skills in areas of particular need within the Tasmanian economy will be held in high regard, particularly if living in an area outside of Greater Hobart.
These include:
• health
• trades and construction
• engineering
• community services (including aged and disability care)”
In practice, this means that we will immediately decide highly competitive and uncompetitive applications which, according to our moderated benchmarks, would be extremely unlikely to have a different outcome if assessed against a different group of applications. The remaining applications are held for comparative assessment and an outcome determined according to the number of places we have deemed available from our quota at the time. In some borderline cases applications may be held over for assessment against another group of applications at a later date.
Those applicants that are not successful are advised that while they meet the minimum requirements, they were not sufficiently competitive to be nominated at that time. Unsuccessful applicants are welcome to apply again at any time in the future, however, unless additional information is provided with the new application that increases the competitive strength of the application, in most cases these applicants would be unlikely to achieve a different result.
We have recently updated the Migration Tasmania website with additional information and guidance for international students around our nomination requirements and priorities – we strongly encourage all prospective Tasmanian Graduate category applicants to read this information carefully before applying –
Realistically, merely studying a one year course in an area unrelated to Tasmania’s skills needs combined with unskilled employment is, on its own, unlikely to result in nomination.
還記得當初一堆無良仲介鼓吹到TAS念一年的書,隨便念一年就可以申請州擔保的消息嗎?許多沒有判斷力的申請人就傻傻的跑去念,念完之後才發覺即使滿足基本條件,TAS政府也是不會給擔保的!除非申請人有辦法找到 skilled employment (不是UBER或是外送那種技術門檻低的職業)
VIC: 維州目前190的某些特定類別中的某些職業是可以主動申請的,不然大部分還是屬於被動申請。維州491目前的好處是開放給”任何職業”申請, 而且是屬於”主動申請” 只要你的職業是屬於移民部公布的491類別職業,外加找到”維州偏遠地區雇主的offer”,維州就會給你擔保。當然這工作對於雇主還有招聘方式方式都有規定,不是說你XX朋友的鄰居願意給你一份job offer就可以。規定如下:
1. 雇主本身必須在維州偏遠地區註冊並且營運至少12個月
2. 必須舉證說明新的職缺是真實且有必要性
3. 招聘方式必須是公平、公正、透明的
WA: 這個州政府有多麼的可笑就不用另外說明了。當初聯邦將西澳劃為偏遠地區,因為該州政府不願意接納新移民,主動要求聯邦政府把西澳從偏遠地區中移除。後來的州擔保也只擔保18個醫療相關的工作,等於幾乎沒有任何州擔保名額的發放。後來發現自己的州因為外來人口短缺,經濟大受影響,只要趕快在2019年11月16日新政策生效之前,很厚臉皮的要求將自己放回偏遠地區。也因為如此,西澳本身整個州都是偏遠地區,所以放太多名額在491對於西澳來說是沒有太大意義的。
目前西澳擔保只有2種類別: 一般類別與西澳畢業生類別。一般類別仍然維持在這18個醫療短缺相關的職業。如果不是這些職業,根本無法走General Stream。