假二簽-歹路不要走 –,資料造假的結果 (PIC4020)
這點我一定要再三強調,移民部真的不是吃素的!在這個資訊發達的時代,凡走過必留下痕跡,如果你本身在簽證申請有任何的造假紀錄,遲早都會被發現的! 尤其現在移民部已經有許多農場的黑名單,根本不需要審核就知道你已經是買假二簽了!
Public Interest Criterion (PIC) 4020
PIC 4020 provides:
• that the visa is to be refused if false, misleading or incorrect information or bogus documents is given in relation to:
• the current visa application or
• a visa that the applicant has held in the 12 month period before the current application was made or
• any visa refused on the basis of the fraud PIC in the three year period before the current application was made as well as up to and including time of decision on the current application.
• that a three year bar on visa grants for prescribed visa subclasses arises if an applicant is refused a visa under PIC 4020 on the above grounds.
Limited discretion exists to waive the above provisions and, it follows, decide that PIC 4020 has been satisfied for the current application (even if an applicant or applicants fall into either of the above categories), if there are:
• compelling circumstances affecting the interests of Australia or
• compassionate or compelling circumstances affecting the interests of an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen.
▪ 在你目前的簽證申請中,文件有造假
▪ 在你申請簽證日期往前推的12個月內,你持有過的簽證,文件有造假 或
▪ 在你申請簽證日期往前推的三年內 (包含目前等待簽證結果的時間),你有簽證被拒簽,而這拒簽的原因是因為文件造假。並且申請人有被放上三年不得入境澳洲的條款。
如果你已經有了PIC4020 只有以下情況可以被豁免掉
▪ 如果不給你簽證,會對澳洲有重大利益的影響
PIC 4020 does not cover:
• an applicant’s broad immigration history or fraud, for example any breaches of the visa conditions (working unlawfully or deliberately overstaying visa)
• fraud committed in other countries - for example, if an applicant provided bogus documents to obtain a Canadian visitor visa
- neither of the above are prescribed in PIC 4020 as relevant factors.
Also, if the 3 year bar applies, it is not bar a person from making a valid application. It operates as a bar on granting the visa to which that )(otherwise valid) application relates.
翻譯: 你還是可以當傻逼給我移民部簽證申請費,除非你有辦法獲得豁免,不然我不會你簽證的!
狀況1: 假二簽->配偶簽證
二簽申請的時候資料造假,移民部一時不察,二簽下來了。二簽到期之後,再另外申請一個簽證 (大部分狀況是學生簽證或是配偶簽證) 然後被移民部發現,準備拒簽了!
Date of Visa Application XX May 2018
On XX January 2017, you lodged an onshore Working Holiday (Extension) (subclass 417) Visa on the basis that you had worked in the Agriculture, Forestry and Fishing industry in a regional area of Australia for a total of 3 months. With regards to the specific employment that you undertook, you claimed that you were employed as a Vegetable Farm related to the business with an ABN number of XXXXXX, in which your period of employment was from XX September 2016 until XX December 2016. Your second Working Holiday visa was subsequently granted on XX January 2017 and remained in effect until XX July 2018, on the basis of the information provided.
Subsequent adverse information has been received by the Department which indicates that the business of your stated employer (ABN number XXXXX), was not in operation during the specified time claimed in your Working Holiday (Extension) application.
This subsequent information received by the Department therefore suggests that you provided false and misleading information to the Department, which was in a material particular to your Working Holiday visa application. It was in a material particular to your application, as it was one of the specified requirements for the grant of the second Working Holiday Visa.
You may provide comment on the information that is suspected to be false or misleading in a material particular, and specify if you believe there are any compelling circumstances affecting the interests of Australia, or compassionate or compelling circumstances affecting the interests of an Australian citizen, an Australian permanent resident or an eligible New Zealand citizen, to justify the waiver of any or all of PIC 4020(1) to justify the grant of the visa.
有人可能會問,那在2018年7月到2019年 8月這段期間,我可以用什麼簽證留在澳洲,答案很難說,我會建議任何簽證都不行! 最好的做法是離境等待12個月過去。當然有些狀況是,你的假二簽沒有被移民部查到,移民部給你二簽了,然後你在二簽之前,遞交一個至少有12個月的學生簽證,這學生簽證也順利核發了。這時候你就可以用學生簽證繼續合法留在澳洲,等到12個月過後再遞交配偶簽證申請
狀況2: 假二簽->學生伴侶陪讀簽證
“One fails, all fail”
PIC 4020 is both a Schedule 2 primary criterion and schedule 2 secondary criterion. It is also a “one fails, all fail” primary criterion.
This means that both primary applicants (that is, those needing to satisfy Schedule 2 primary criteria) and secondary applicants (those needing to satisfy Schedule 2 secondary criteria only) are subject to the three year bar on visa grants for prescribed visa subclasses if a primary or secondary applicant fails to satisfy this PIC. This bar does not, however, extend to non-migrating family members.
沒有喔! 不是這樣簡單! 這是一個一人失敗全部都失敗的原則,假設你們真的這樣做的話,屆時是主申請人跟副申請人一樣都會被拒簽,然後被放上三年不能入境的條款。
如果不幸自己面臨到PIC4020,那怎樣能夠申請豁免呢? 基本上豁免的條件是,如果不核發這簽證會對澳洲、澳洲公民、澳洲永久居民、符合條件的紐西蘭公民造成重大的利益影響。這個條件認定其實很主觀,大部分的情況都是除非你有一個澳洲公民小孩,否則大多時候這些豁免是不會被允許的!
然後有人會問,什麼?簽證資料造假只有12-36個月的追朔期,所以如果我僥倖過了這段期間之後,不就可以安心了? 那透過簽證造假取得PR的人不就很爽?? 不要誤會,移民部還是有權力取消你的簽證,只是取消的法條不是根據PIC4020而是S501或是Direction No. 55。但這又是一個很長的故事了!
老實說我很看不起那些文件造假的申請人,我常常說的一句話是 “如果澳洲是一個可以讓你透過文件造假就留下來的國家,那這個國家實際上也不值得你留下”! 移民其實有很多方式,但是最要不得的就是文件造假! 我曾經有一個諮詢是,申請人英文不是很好,找人代考英文考試,然後居然不知道現在所有語言考試都會照相。成績出來了,才發現其實成績單上面有照片,然後還用該成績單申請州擔保永久居留。州政府一時沒有仔細看照片,給了州擔保,申請人才問我說,現在怎麼辦??
怎麼辦? 當然是放棄阿? 還有怎麼辦? 反正申請也不會過的!!