不知道大家有沒有發現到,現在要拿學生簽證留在澳洲跟以往比起來越來越不容易了!主要的原因是移民部現在審核學生簽證的時候,最重要的是看所謂的GTE(Genuine Temporary Entry),這份文件的重點是告知澳洲移民部,我拿簽證的目的主要是”短期”在澳洲當真正的學生,移民部會依照這份文件判定您是否有真正的意圖在澳洲念書,還是只是想要藉由學生簽證留在澳洲打工或是從是與非簽證目的行為。
1。Why you chose your proposed program?
Your specific knowledge of the program, including its course/content
2。How your proposed program is relevant to your previous study or employment?
If you have changed your field of education, explain your reasons
3。Why you chose the University Xx in Australia?
Include the research you undertook into other Australian providers.
4。Why you chose to study in Australia instead of in your home country?
Include the research you undertook into study options in your home country and other countries
5。How your proposed program will help you achieve your career/education goals?
Include the research you undertook into your potential career outcomes.
Include your salary expectations in your home country.
6。How the financial investment in an Australian degree will improve your circumstances in your home country
7。Explain any gaps between your studies
8。What reasons do you have to return to your home country after you complete your studies (eg assets, job offer, and family responsibilities)
這裡我們來比較一下什麼叫做好的GTE,什麼叫做爛的GTE (以實際發生的經驗舉例)
背景: 申請人25歲,澳洲打工度假簽證結束之後,想要申請1年的英文課程+2年的廚藝學校留在澳洲。
1。Why you chose your proposed program?
Your specific knowledge of the program, including its course/content
你為什麼選擇這個專業? ---寫你對所選擇專業課的瞭解,包括它的課程設施/內容。
餐飲是我的興趣 做菜的成品讓我有成就感 將來我要在台灣我的家鄉 可以擁有一家我專屬的餐廳 並且希望大家都會喜歡我的料理
2。How your proposed program is relevant to your previous study or employment?
If you have changed your field of education, explain your reasons
高中 大學 我所就讀的皆與 Cookery相關 16-18歲我在日式餐廳工作 直到大學我必須離開日式餐廳並且要換新的工作環境 18-22歲我在一間美式餐廳 T.G.I Friday's工作四年 美式風格的料理讓我特別喜歡
3。Why you chose the University Xx in Australia?
Include the research you undertook into other Australian providers.
4。Why you chose to study in Australia instead of in your home country?
Include the research you undertook into study options in your home country and other countries
我之所以選擇澳洲留學 原因是 我在台灣就讀相關科系7年 台灣餐飲體制我也非常的熟悉 但是我以後想要擁有我自己的餐廳 所以我必須對國外的廚藝 體制 教育系統要有所研究 我希望我自己的餐廳擁有中式與西式的優點
5。How your proposed program will help you achieve your career/education goals?
Include the research you undertook into your potential career outcomes.
Include your salary expectations in your home country.
在國外讀書 並且學習可以讓我擁有各方面不同體制經驗 能讓我補足我在台灣不足的缺點
完成夢想是我首要的目標 再要求穩定 然後再來是才是薪水的期望 不用非常富裕 可以讓家人過的舒適就好了
6。How the financial investment in an Australian degree will improve your circumstances in your home country 在澳洲投資獲得的學歷如何能提高你在國內的處境?
國內畢竟偏向於中式料理 澳洲的學歷與西式料理經驗 能讓我補足我在國內學習廚藝時所欠缺的
7。Explain any gaps between your studies 請解釋你在學習過程中存在的空檔。
身為亞洲人的我 英文不是我的母語 所以我特地找了住在澳洲當地居民讓我在空閒的時間能練習我的英文 並且假期時間 我會去認識個國家的人 並且好好了解不同國家的料理 畢竟我預備在台灣擁有我的餐廳
8。What reasons do you have to return to your home country after you complete your studies (eg assets, job offer, and family responsibilities)
帶著家人在家鄉擁有自己的餐廳 是我的夢想 畢竟我是來自台灣 學習到我需要的知識 並且帶著資源與經驗返台
1。Why I chose this proposed program?
I studied in Hospitality Management when I was in Taiwan. I love cooking but from my previous studies there wasn’t many courses being taught towards to cooking. The professional course I choose includes certificate 3+ Certificate 4 in commercial cooking combined with English course and Diploma of Hospitality Management in XXX College in Adelaide. This qualification reflects the role of commercial cooks who use a wide range of cookery skills. I am expecting to learn sound knowledge of kitchen operations. The course will also teach me to work with some independence and under limited supervision and may provide operational advice and support to team members.
After finishing the course, I plan to go back to Taiwan and work in 5 star hotels starting the career as cook, and hopefully one day I can become a famous chef.
我在台灣時曾學習旅館經營管理。 雖然我熱愛烹飪,但是於先前的課程中關於烹飪的課程較少。 我選擇的專業課程包括商業烹飪證書3 +證書4以及阿德萊德XXX商學院的英語課程和酒店管理文憑。 這項專業課程可以教我使用各種烹飪技能的廚師的作用。 我期待學習健全且完善的廚房操作知識。 該課程還將教會我獨立作業,並為團隊成員提供操作建議和支持。
2。How the proposed program is relevant to my previous study or employment?
I didn’t go to normal high school but vocational school which was XXX Vocational high school.
During the time of studying in High school, I had internship in Japanese restaurant while I worked in TGI Fridays when I was studying in University. Personally though I like Japanese food, but the working environment in Japanese restaurant I really different than western restaurant. In Japanese restaurant, you had to respect your senior and obeyed whatever they told you regardless if you think it’s correct or not while in western restaurant I can show my creation or giving some suggestions which makes me feel more being respected.
在高中學習期間,我在大學就讀期間曾在T.G.I Fridays’和日本餐廳實習。 雖然我喜歡日本料理,但是日本餐廳的工作環境與西餐廳非常不同。 在日本餐廳,不論你認為其正確與否,皆須尊敬且聽從上級的領導,而在西餐廳,我都可以展示自己的創意作品,或自由地給出建議。
3。Why I chose the XXX College
First of all, this college is located in Adelaide, South Australia. I spent two years living in Adelaide while I was on working holiday visa. Therefore, Adelaide is the first option for me when choosing the studying location.
I have also done some research of comparing the tuitions and teaching quality. Before choosing this school, the following schools are my options.
(The following course comparison only based on Cert3 + Cer4 + Diploma of Hospitality
- Le cordonbleu – 2 years AUD$61,063 for international students.
- TAFE SA – 2 years AUD$30,000 for international students
- YYY School– 2 years AUD$61,000 for international students
- XXX School - 2 years AUD$25,000 for international students
Option 1 & 3 are not my options because it exceed by studying budget. I was considering TAFE SA before but I read the news in mid 2017 that TAFE SA had some issues of international management, and lots of international students will face the recognition of their studies. Therefore, it is not my choice. Then I found XXX School which I think the tuition is very reasonable and I also searched for the review of this college, it seemed they provide good quality teaching and the course provided and syllabus meets my expectation.
(以下課程比較僅基於Cert3 + Cer4 +酒店文憑
1.Le Cordonbleu - 國際學生2年約花費61,063澳元。
2.TAFE SA - 國際學生2年約花費30,000澳元。
3.YYY 學校 - 國際學生2年約花費61,000澳元。
4.XXX商學院 - 國際學生2年約花費25,000澳元。
選項1和3不是我的選擇,因為它超過了我的學習預算。我之前曾考慮TAFE SA,但在2017年中我讀到TAFE SA的消息,TAFE SA有一些國際管理問題,許多國際學生將面臨對他們學業的認可。因此,這不是我的選擇。然後我找到蒂森學院,我認為這個學費非常合理,我也搜索了關於這所大學的資訊,而其提供的優質教學教學大綱符合我的期望。
4。Why I chose to study in Australia instead of in my home country?
As I mentioned before, I am much more interested in western cooking instead of Japanese or any other Asian dishes. Australia is also only about 9 hours flight from Taiwan compared with Europe, Canada and USA which has much longer flight time. Besides, I have spent my two years working holiday in Australia, so I know Australia much better than other countries. Australia is also a multi-culture country which I can have chance to learn all different kind of western food such as French, Italian, Greek and German…etc. Another important factor is that Australia is an English speaking country, I will have to learn English first and my English will be improved after completing my studying. I am hoping to go back to Taiwan to work in 5 star hotel. Most of 5 star hotels requires English speaking cook in the restaurant so they can understand Foreign chef’s instruction. Some examples are as following:
正如我之前提到的,相對於日本人或任何其他亞洲菜餚,我對西方烹飪更感興趣。 與歐洲,加拿大和美國相比,澳大利亞距離台灣只有大約9小時的飛行時間。 此外,我在澳大利亞有兩年的度假打工經驗,所以和其他國家相比,我比更了解澳大利亞。 澳大利亞也是一個多文化的國家,使的我有機會接觸並學習法國,意大利,希臘和德國等所有不同種類的西餐。 另一個重要的因素是澳大利亞是一個說英語的國家,完成學業後我的英語會有很大的進步。我希望能回到台灣去五星級酒店工作。 大多數五星級酒店都需要有英語能力的廚師,因此他們可以了解外國廚師的指導,以下幾個網頁為台灣針對五星級酒店的廚師必備的工作資訊,請參考以下網址
5。How my proposed program will help you achieve my career/education goals?
First of all, salary is the major concern when looking for the job. I wish by speaking English well as well as holding Australian qualifications can help me achieve the salary expectations in Taiwan
Above website is the salary range for Western cook. It can be clear seen that the better qualification you have, the better pay you will get even from the entry level. Of course, the more experience I get, the more salary I will receive as well. (The charts shows in NTD as monthly salary)
Above website is the salary range of Chinese cook
Above website is the salary of Japanese cook
It is clear seen that western cook has the highest level of salary even for the entry level which Japanese cook has minimum entry level. That s why I think choosing western cook is very necessary.
My current plan is studying English in Australia first, improving my English and then going back to Taiwan, finding a 5 star hotel and start working there as a cook. I am hoping after the studies and I can be a chef or even a sous-chef in the western restaurant in the hotel within 5- 7 years.
首先,薪水是我尋找工作時最主要的考慮。 我希望藉由流利的英語能力以及於澳洲留學的經歷可以幫助我在台灣達成我的目標薪資。
以上網頁可以清楚地看到,你擁有更好的證書,即便為廚師助理,獲得的起薪也會較高。 當然,我獲得的經驗越多,我也會得到更多的薪水。(此表格NTD為台幣)
很顯然地,即使是最低的入門級別,西方廚師的薪水也是最高的。 這就是為什麼我認為選擇西方廚師是非常必要的。
我目前的計劃是先在澳大利亞學習英語,提高英語水平,然後返回台灣,找到一家五星級酒店,並以廚師身份在那里工作並於5 - 7年內晉升為二廚甚至是主廚。
6。How the financial investment in an Australian degree will improve your circumstances in your home country
Let’s do the calculation in this way. (1AUD= 22 NTD) The tuition I spent in Australia for professional courses for two years plus English courses and living cost can be between AUD 80,000 to 100,000 depends the way I choose the live. It might be much less if I live on budget. Let’s say I find an entry level in 5 star hotel as a cook, if I speak English well plus Australian qualification, the salary will be higher than normal entry level staff. The monthly salary will be from NTD$35000 – NTD$38,000 per month for the first 3 years, and it will increase to NTD$38,000 – NTD$48,000 per month after 3 years. Compared with Chinese cook and Japanese cook, monthly salary is about NTD$3000-8000 more per month. For an experienced cook in 5 start hotel, monthly salary can be over NTD$68,000 per month wile experienced chef is more than NTD$100,000 per month.
It can been that speaking well English plus Australian qualification can be easier to apply job in 5 stars hotel in Taiwan as entry level. However, I am only making assumption as only be able to find entry level job. I have 4 years working experience in TGI Fridays in Taiwan plus 3 years internship, which I regard myself as mid-level cook. Therefore, the above calculation based on worse scenario can be even turns to be more benefits for me when I am back to Taiwan.
If I didn’t invest this tuition and opportunity cost in Australia, I will be no more different than other cook/chef in Taiwan.
讓我們以這種方式進行計算。 (1AUD = 22新台幣)我在澳大利亞學習兩年專業課程的學費加上英語課程和生活費用約位於8萬到10萬澳元之間,而這之間的差別取決於我如何生活。如果我按預算生活,費用可能會更少。假設我在5星級酒店中找到入門級廚師的工作,加上我流利的英語能力和澳大利亞的學歷,那麼薪水將高於普通入門級員工。前三年的月薪約落於新台幣35000元 - 新台幣38,000元之間,並於3年後升為每月新台幣38,000元 - 每月新台幣48,000元之間。與中國廚師和日本廚師相比,月薪大約多出3000-8000新台幣。對於五星級飯店經驗豐富的廚師,月薪可能超過新台幣68,000元,而經驗豐富的主廚每月月薪可能超過新台幣10萬元以上。
7。What reasons do I have to return to your home country after I complete my studies
All my close family members are all in Taiwan includes my parents and my younger sister. I do not want to leave my family and live separate with them permanently. Parents will get old and my sister will get married eventually. I am the only son in the family. In our culture it is really against our family value that leaves parents alone, without looking after them and living overseas. I don’t want that because I only want to stay in Australia temporally and going back to Taiwan after my studies.
Studying in Australia can only be done before I get married and have kids. This will be the only period of time in my life to be able to study overseas. If I miss this period of time in my life, I don’t think I will be able to study overseas after my marriage.
我所有的親人都在台灣,包括我的父母和妹妹。 我不想離開我的家人,永遠與他們分開。 父母會變老,我的妹妹最終會結婚。 而我是家裡唯一的兒子。在我們的文化中,讓父母獨自一人是最違反倫理道德的,我不想因生活在海外而未盡到撫養的責任,故我只想暫時留在澳大利亞,並在學習後回到台灣。
留學澳大利亞只能在結婚生子之前完成。 這將是我一生中能夠出國留學的最好時機。 如果我錯過了這一段時間,我不認為我結婚後會去海外留學。
另外我也想要善意提醒大家,如果想要在畢業之後申請技術移民留下來,也絕對不要傻傻地寫在GTE裡面。例如我念護理課程是因為我知道澳洲邁入老齡社會,我畢業之後想要申請永久居留權留在澳洲,成為護士,奉獻我的專長給澳洲人民。 這種寫法一定拒簽!!
另外我們其實沒有協助學生申請學校,因為我們的專業是移民簽證類別,如果要申請澳洲的學校或是對學校申請有任何疑問 請洽IDP TAIWAN
但是我們有提供專業的GTE修改服務,如果有需要歡迎email跟我們聯繫喔 contact@dragongate.com.au