2017年4月18號這一天澳洲總理首先在個人Facebook上以Video方式告知全澳民眾 (很奇怪,用個人的FACEBOOK發表),政府將要取消457雇主擔保簽證, 而後總理和移民部長舉行了聯合新聞發佈會針對新政做了更詳細的解析,並且回答記者的提問。
1. Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL)取代舊的SOL職業清單(適用於189獨立技術移民、489親屬擔保移民和485 畢業生工作簽證的職業清單)
2. MLTSSL+STSOL職業清單合併起來取代舊的CSOL職業清單(適用於186 direct entry雇主擔保,190州政府擔保、489偏遠地區州政府擔保、 457雇主擔保和407培訓簽證)
首先我們來看下關於改革的進度和幾個重要的因素(改革從今天4 月19 號開始,預計明年3 月份完整全部改革):
A. 從今天4 月19 號開始執行的變革
- Occupation lists: The occupation lists that underpin the 457 visa will be significantly condensed from 651 to 435 occupations, with 216 occupations removed and access to 59 other occupations restricted.
- Of the 435 occupations, access to 24 occupations has been restricted to regional Australia (e.g. occupations relating to farming and agriculture).
另外有24個職業將僅限於申請偏遠地區 (主要是農業相關的職業)
- The Consolidated Sponsored Occupation List (CSOL) will also be renamed as the new Short-term Skilled Occupations List (STSOL) and will be updated every six months based on advice from the Department of Employment.
- The other occupations list used for skilled migration, the Skilled Occupations List (SOL) will be renamed the new Mediumand Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). This list will contain occupations that have been assessed as being of high value to the Australian economy and aligning to the Government’s longer term training and workforce strategies.
- Validity period: The maximum duration of 457 visas issued from this
date for occupations that are on the STSOL will be two years. Occupations on the MLTSSL will continue to be issued for a maximum duration of four years.
簽證有效期:處於 STSOL職業清單上的職業將僅僅能拿2年的簽證,MLTSSL清單上的職業可以繼續申請4年的簽證
B. 從2017 年7 月1 號開始的變革:
From 1 July 2017, for the existing 457 visa:
- Occupation lists: The STSOL will be further reviewed based on advice from the Department of Employment. The MLTSSL will be revised based on outcomes from the Department of Education and Training’s 2017-18 SOL review.
STSOL和MLTSSL兩個職業清單會根據勞工部和教育部的review和意見再次更改! 也就是說189,190,457的職業清單7月1號的時候可能會再次變更,並不是最終版本!
- English language requirements: English language salary exemption threshold, which exempts applicants whose salary is over $96,400 from the English language requirement, will be removed.
- English language requirements(186或者187 PR Stream): A requirement of an International English Language Testing System(IELTS) (or equivalent test) score of 6 in each component.
PR的stream雅思要求4個6! 因為此前186和187 direct stream本身要求就是4個6,最可能的直接影響是457轉186的申請者,以前只要4個5 ,2017年7月1號之後很可能要4個6!
- Age: A maximum age requirement of 45 at the time of application will apply to Direct Entry stream applicants. A maximum age requirement of 50 at the time of application will continue to apply to Temporary Residence Transition stream applicants.
年齡限制,186和187 direct stream的,遞交申請的時候不能超過45周歲,457轉186的遞交申請的時候不能超過50周歲。
C. 截止到2017 年底的變革:
The Department of Immigration and Border Protection(the Department) will commence the collection of Tax File Numbers for 457 visa holders (and other employer sponsored migrants), and data will be matched with the Australian Tax Office’s records to ensure that visa holders are not paid less than their nominated salary.
移民部會根據稅號 Match ATO的資料和提名的工資是否一致
The Department will commence the publication of details relating to sponsors sanctioned for failing to meet their obligations under the Migration Regulation 1994 and related legislation.
From March 2018, the 457 visa will be abolished and replaced with the TSS visa. The TSS visa will be comprised of a Short-Term stream of up to two years, and a Medium-Term stream of up to four years. The Short-Term stream is designed for Australian businesses to fill skill gaps with foreign workers on a temporary basis, where a suitably skilled Australian worker cannot be sourced.
457將會被正式廢止,被TSS簽證替代,組成是2年的Short term stream和4年的Medium-Term Stream.
- 年的 Short term stream
The Medium-Term stream will allow employers to source foreign workers to address shortages in a narrower range of high skill and critical need occupations, where a suitably skilled Australian worker cannot be sourced.
The Short-Term stream will include the following criteria
- Renewal: Capacity for visa renewal onshore once only.
最多onshore renew一次
- Occupations:-職業
o For non-regional Australia, the STSOL will apply.
o For regional Australia, the STSOL will apply, with additional occupations available to support regional employers.
- English language requirements: A requirement of an International English Language Testing System (IELTS) (or equivalent test) score of 5, with a minimum of 4.5 in each test component.
- Genuine entry: A genuine temporary entrant requirement.
2. 4年的Medium-Term Stream
The Medium-Term stream will include the following criteria- Renewal: Capacity for visa renewal onshore and a permanent residence pathway after three years. 3年後才能轉PR
- Occupation lists-職業清單
o For non-regional Australia - the MLTSSL will apply.
o For regional Australia - the MLTSSL will apply, with additional occupations available to support regional employers.
- English language requirements: a requirement of a minimum of IELTS 5 (or equivalent test) in each test component.
Eligibility criteria for both streams will include (對兩個stream 的共同要求):
- Work experience: at least two years’ relevant work experience. 至少兩年相關工作經驗!
- Labour market testing (LMT): LMT will be mandatory, unless an international obligation applies.
- Minimum market salary rate: Employers must pay the Australian market salary rate and meet the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold requirements. 最低市場工資
- Character: Mandatory penal clearance certificates to be provided.
- Workforce: A non-discriminatory workforce test to ensure employers are not actively discriminating against Australian workers.
- Training requirement: a strengthened training requirement for employers to contribute. 2j對雇主而言更嚴格的員工訓練要求
上面是改革的進程表,下面我們來詳細分析下改革對大家的影響,尤其是現有457簽證持有者、在申請或者之後的457簽證申請者、189獨立技術移民申請者、190 州政府擔保申請者的影響。 下文以Q&A的形式回答大家所關心的問題,如果大家有額外關心的問題也歡迎在我們文章下面留言,我也會一一回復大家!
1 、418 新政影響人群主要有誰?
新政最直接的影響是現在還有將來的457申請者,可以說要求大大提高,而且對於很多不在MLTSSL職業清單上職業,今天開始申請或者拿到457的將無法通過457轉 PR,另外就是強制要求了至少2年的相關工作經驗。 而且轉PR要求的時間也從2年增加到了3年,加上簽證審理時間的話,走最新的457 stream的申請者,基本上相當於要4年左右才可以拿到PR。
關於語言要求:因為以前186和187直接申請的語言要求就是4個6,457轉186只要4個5,按照改革的意思很可能457轉186也提高到4個6了! (移民部官網暫時還是4個5,按改革進度表來看,可能7月1號開始會改為4個6)
針對現在457 簽證持有者,移民部長在新聞發佈會上的原話回答是:For those people that are here on a 457 Visa at the moment, there will be a grandfathering arrangement. They will continue under the conditions of that visa. 意思就是沿用舊的規定,繼續滿足舊的簽證條款即可。 不過唯一可能變化的就是前面提到的轉186時候的語言要求提高。
在 Combined的MLTSSL和STSOL職業清單裡面,有59個職業被標注了三顆星,也就是在申請的時候會有一些額外的限制,對申請人或者雇主。
- 2年以上的Full time工作經驗,包括以下職業:
- 只適用于申請偏遠地區的457,包括以下職業 ,包括以下職業:
會計 Accountant(ANZCO 221111)
不可以是 Clerk或者Book Keeper的職位
公司的年營業額不能低於1 百萬澳幣
公司的規模不能小於5 個雇員
In relation to specifications of occupations for a Subclass 457 – Temporary Work (Skilled) visa, despite paragraph 2 of this instrument, for the purposes of paragraph 2.72(10)(aa) of the Regulations, the specification excludes positions involved in mass production in a factory setting and positions in a limited service restaurant. A limited service restaurant includes, but is not limited to, any of the following:
a) fast food or takeaway food services;
b) fast casual restaurants;
c) drinking establishments that offer only a limited food service;
d) limited service cafes including, but not limited to, coffee shops or mall cafes;
e) limited service pizza restaurants.
咖啡店或者餐館經理Café and Restaurant Manager(ANZCO 141111) 、Cook 和Chef
咖啡店或者 Mall裡的咖啡店
有限服務的 Pizza店
客服經理 Customer Service Managers(ANZCO149212)
公司的年營業額不能低於1 百萬澳幣
申請者的年薪不能低於6 萬5
美髮美容經理 Hair or Beauty Salon Manager(ANZCO 142114)
酒店或者汽車旅館經理 Hotel or Motel Manager(ANZCO141311)
行銷專員Marketing Specialist(ANZCO225113) 和行銷經理Sales and Marketing Manager(ANZCO 131112)
公司的年營業額不能低於1 百萬澳幣
申請者的年薪不能低於6 萬5
4.189 獨立技術移民是否有什麼變化? 新政有什麼影響?
對於189獨立技術移民來講,暫時僅僅是SOL清單改名為MLTSSL職業清單,絕大部分熱門職業均還在清單上(會計、審計、電腦、工程等),而且新的職業清單比SOL 清單職業反而多了。 具體新財年職業的配額暫無消息。 不過需要一提的是,這個清單7月1號的時候移民部將根據教育培訓部(往年負責review SOL清單部門)的review意見再次更新,大家保持即時關注!
· 此前,州政府擔保的職業清單使用的是CSOL 職業清單,現在CSOL 職業清單移除216 個職業(也就是新的List of Eligible occupations, 包括MLTSSL+STSOL 職業清單),這些職業從4 月19 號開始將無法再獲得州擔保的邀請!
· 額外針對 MLTSSL職業清單,移民部單獨提出了16個職業僅僅可以申請189獨立技術移民、485 畢業生工簽和489親屬擔保簽證(對這些職業在清單上標了兩顆星),這些職業從今天開始也不能再申請190州政府擔保或者457雇主擔保簽證,包括以下職業:
133112 Project Builder
133211 Production Manager(Mining)
134211 Medical Administrator
231212 Ship’s Engineer
231213 Ship’s Master
231214 Ship’s Officer
233111 Chemical Engineer
233112 Material Engineer
233411 Eletronics Engineer
233511 Industrial Engineer
233513 Production Engineer
312212 Civil Engineering Technician
313213 Telecommuncation Network Planner
322312 Pressure Welder
331112 Stonemason
342211 Electrical Lineworker
現在移民部190 的官網已經更新了最新要求,申請要求第一條明確寫著:
· nominated an occupation that is on the relevant list of eligible skilled occupations,要求職業再List of eligible skilled occupations,這個連結援引到的就是最新的CSOL 清單
· 州政府所有關于州擔保的申請審理都需要在符合移民部的要求情況下,再加上自己的額外要求,這在各個州的州擔保官網都有寫明。 截止到發稿時間:ACT坎培拉、SA南澳均已經在官網更新了最新消息,將會從4月19 號開始使用新的職業清單。 預計其他州政府官網也會在接下來幾天陸續更新。
4月19號之後州擔保190和489將不能再邀請被remove的職業。 還有那16個被移民部標2顆星的職業也不能再獲得邀請!
6.翻譯還可以再走州擔保嗎? 翻譯還能加分嗎?
新政策中筆譯Translator 272413 被移除出CSOL ,就像上文說的,這意味著筆譯將不能再走任何州的州擔保(包括190 和489 )。
口譯 Interpreter 272412還在最新的Eligible skilled occupation list,還可以走州擔保。 不過需要強調的是想要拿到口譯的職業評估,需要考過的是三級professional level的口譯,一般同學讀的是二級口譯或者直接參加外部二級考試,是無法拿到口譯的職業評估的。